Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Anniversary

You know the saying "Time flies when you're having fun"? Well it MUST be true! Today is Jason and my 7 year anniversary. I can't believe it! I can remember so much of that day like it was yesterday. I remember the excitement, the nervousness, the anticipation. I remember the look on his face as I was walking down the aisle and the warm of his hand as we ran out of the church. It was an amazing day that I would love to re-live. Especially the reception and if you were there you would know! It was a PARTY! But that was 7 years and 3 kids ago! Still I love him more today than ever. The other night I was rubbing his feet because they were hurting him from work and moving. While rubbing his feet my father-in-law asked what I was doing. A conversation followed in which he told me I obviously hadn't been married long enough, cause when you are married for "x" number of years you don't do that anymore. Whatever happened to love, honor, obey, serve? My job, as a wife, is to make my husband feel better when he is feeling sad,sick, or hurting. So I don't care if I we are married 400 years I will always do my best to serve my hubby! and I don't care WHO sees or makes comments. I added a picture taken yesterday. It's about as close as it gets to "just the 2 of us".

Happy Anniversary Jason! I can't wait to see what the next 7,27,47,77 . . . years hold! I love you more every day!

1 comment:

  1. That picture is HILARIOUS! You guys really are a cute couple. I hope you had a nice anniversary! 7 years is amazing!!!!!!
