Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Worth 1000 words

Have you ever taken a picture and it's not only a picture to remember but it captures your family SO perfectly you can't even put it into words? I have been trying to take a lot of pictures while we are here at my in-laws. Since we are here in the summer there are lots of things to do and Viv is changing everyday, so I have been a little camera crazy. Well yesterday while we were in the pool (I say we I really mean the kids!) I wanted to grab a picture. It was the first time Viv had been in her suit (that I searched long and hard to find) and it was just generally a great day out. So I got all 3 kids in the pool, said "LOOK AT MOMMY!!!!!!" and quickly snapped a picture. After I sent it to a few people, I got to looking at it. It's just perfect! Dalton is smiling and being happy which has been his mood since we got here, for the most part. He loves being outside and being able to run. But he especially loves his papa! He and papa are 2 peas in a pod. A couple of country boys out having fun. While we have been here papa has taught him how to pee on a tree, talk to the cows (cause he speaks cow you know?!), clean the gutters, check out the wild turkey, and learn how NOT to blow out your fuse. The list is honestly endless. They are so much fun to watch. As I type they are holding hands crossing the street to check the mail. Such a neat relationship. Back to the picture, Spencer is being his regular ornery self. He is a middle child to the core. He marches to the beat of his own drum and rarely notices he isn't marching with the others. In the picture he is pouring water over his sister's head and his face says it all! One of his favorite tricks is pushing people's buttons. And he not only loves doing it but he is pretty good at it! Oh how I love that little guy! And Viv? Well she has a shocked look on her face. Like she was not expecting the water. Her look is a mixture of excitement and surprise, perfectly combine into her sweet chubby face. A face that is growing so quickly I hardly recognize her some days. With 4 teeth and 2 gorgeous blue eyes she is a spoiled princess through and through, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

As I sit here and think about that picture, I realize how quickly time is passing and how my kids are growing right before my eyes. Dalt will be 4 in August and Spencer will be 3 in October. Preschool is calling to them and I know that our time together is short. The picture not only is a fun picture of our adventures here at grandma and grandpas but it's a bittersweet reminder of how time flys when you are having fun.
My beautiful Baker bunch. I love you!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Inspection Day

Well today was the day of the inspection on our new house. I didn't think it would be so nerve wracking but boy was I wrong! I just kept praying that they wouldn't find anything major, that we wouldn't have any problems with the homeowner or inspector. And God answered it all! No major problems, the husband was home and was very nice. He showed Jason a few things around the house and gave him some tips on a few things. And the inspector was SO nice and funny!! If you ever need an inspection let me know, I'll give you his name. Really GREAT guy! Well while the inspection was going on we got to have another look around the house and take some pictures. We are more in love than the first time. The picture I have of the outside isn't all that great but you get the general idea. I can't wait to get all of our things in and really make it our home! I also can't wait to have everyone over to see it.

The weather was also great so we got to swim. Well the kids did at least. This was Viv's first time in her bathing suit so it was cute to see. She looks bigger each day and every time she says something new or does something new I am reminded that my baby is growing up too fast. Well I guess that gives me a better excuse to hold her tighter and spoil her a little more.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Today's blog was originally going to be titled "Day 9 of my imprisionment". But then yesterday our pastor was preaching on attitudes. How we should have good attitudes, do things with the right attitudes, and how great & gracious God is. So I started thinking of my attitude. What did I have a bad attitude about and is there anything that I was doing with the wrong attitude. Well sure enough we come home yesterday and it's 80 degrees in the house, no breeze, and the humidity is SO high you can cut the air with a spoon (as my hubby would say). So what did I do? I complained! I had a bad attitude and I was grumpy. Later God gave me that "I was talking to YOU" feeling. DANG IT! I hate when He does that. I have such a bad attitude some times about things I should be thankful for. We are staying at my in-laws for basically free, they are VERY helpful with the kids, and we have been having such a neat time of renewal in our relationship and here I am complaining about how hot it is, and how I miss my house and anything else that might be bugging me that day. How ungrateful am I? I should be praising God for all His provisions and thankful to my in-laws for taking us in but I don't. So from now on I'm going to TRY to remember to be thankful for all that we have and TRY not to complain about the weather. I can't promise anything cause some times the hormones take over and the heat gets the best of me BUT I'm going to try.

I'll end today on a happy note! Watch this space for pictures of our new house. We are going tomorrow for the inspection and to take some measurements. I can't wait!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

No Power

They say 'You learn something new everyday', and yesterday was no exception. For those of you who don't know, my in-laws live in the country. Their house sits on about 2 acres but they own about 20 total. So it's nice and quiet. But if you've ever been to the country you will understand how dark it is! At night it's like walking around with your eyes closed. No city lights, no car lights, no moon (at least not last night). Well last night we had some nasty storms come through. Tornado warning on tv, the sirens going off, the whole 9 yards. Well wouldn't you know the power decided to go out. So here we sit no a/c, no fans, and all the windows closed cause it's raining like the 2nd flood is coming. Even though I grew up in Woodburn I didn't know the first thing about 1 a basment or 2 a well. 1st thing to know about a well, it doesn't work with no power. I DID NOT KNOW THAT! So not only were we hot but we couldn't get a drink, take a shower, or even brush our teeth. My father-in-law had set a side a few gallons of water just in case but we had to save it because we weren't sure how long the power was out. While sitting around talking he reassured me that the longest it's ever been out was 22 hrs. OH THANK YOU I FEEL MUCH BETTER! Thankfuly the power came on around 2am, so we were able to shower and get ready this morning but what a pain in the butt. I'm thinking more and more I'm going to like living in the city!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Anniversary

You know the saying "Time flies when you're having fun"? Well it MUST be true! Today is Jason and my 7 year anniversary. I can't believe it! I can remember so much of that day like it was yesterday. I remember the excitement, the nervousness, the anticipation. I remember the look on his face as I was walking down the aisle and the warm of his hand as we ran out of the church. It was an amazing day that I would love to re-live. Especially the reception and if you were there you would know! It was a PARTY! But that was 7 years and 3 kids ago! Still I love him more today than ever. The other night I was rubbing his feet because they were hurting him from work and moving. While rubbing his feet my father-in-law asked what I was doing. A conversation followed in which he told me I obviously hadn't been married long enough, cause when you are married for "x" number of years you don't do that anymore. Whatever happened to love, honor, obey, serve? My job, as a wife, is to make my husband feel better when he is feeling sad,sick, or hurting. So I don't care if I we are married 400 years I will always do my best to serve my hubby! and I don't care WHO sees or makes comments. I added a picture taken yesterday. It's about as close as it gets to "just the 2 of us".

Happy Anniversary Jason! I can't wait to see what the next 7,27,47,77 . . . years hold! I love you more every day!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

We had such a special father's day. We not only got to spend it with my father-in-law but my husband's grandfather (and grandmother) were here from Florida. So in the end we had 4 generations for father's day. How special for all of us to spend time together. It was a wonderful day of food and relaxing. We also had an amazing church service today. If you don't go to our church you might like to listen to this sermon. (we are on week 8) Pastor Joel has such a gift for speaking God's word. We are so thankful for such a wonderful church family and for our heavenly Father for all of His blessings.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 1 of our newest adventure

Well yesterday was moving day. We closed on our beloved house on Valley Creek Run. We had lived there for 7 years. We had brought home all 3 of our kids there and had some amazing memories there. Well as amazing as the house was it was getting a LITTLE small for the 5 of us. So we sold our house to a super sweet couple who is pregnant with their first child. And found a new house that we love! Well we closed yesterday and we don't get our new house until July 20. So where do we go in the meantime? My in-laws!! Most of you are thinking 'OOHH that is not going to be fun' or 'OH no! Not the in-laws'. But you know what? It's a place to stay (for cheap!) and it's only a month. So while it will be cramped and an experience for us all, it won't be too bad. I always say "It is what you make it!" Actually that should be my slogan. Do people have slogans? Hmm the randomness of my thoughts is starting to show already!

Anyways, I'm off to go grocery shopping at the "new" Walmart and then back home to make dinner for the family. Same duties, different house. Wouldn't want to get out of the habit of cleaning, cooking, dishes, laundry, diapers . . .

Friday, June 18, 2010

Where to start

Wow! A blog?! I always thought blogs were for people who were cool and had funny things to say. Well, I lack the coolness, the ability to spell and usually the funniest thing I have to say is something that the boys did. But I thought, you know it might be fun to just try. So here I am!

And here is my story . . .

This crazy adventure I call life really started June 21, 2003. I married my best friend and the love of my life. We have had so many ups and downs over the last (almost) 7 years but have just grown stronger and stronger. My adventure into motherhood started August 14, 2006. I met my oldest son, Dalton. Shortly after I met my middle child, Spencer, October 17, 2007. And I then I met my sweet baby girl, Vivian, a year ago today!! June 18, 2009.

So between being a domestic engineer and a loving wife and mommy I'm pretty worn out most days. We have just started a new adventure of selling our house and moving. But more on that tomorrow!